On home ownership, part 1…

I love our house. That said, I don’t love it when things that are not fun have to fixed. Take, for example, the front spigot. Saturday I turned it too far to the left and that was it. Something inside came un-done and there was no way to ‘turn’ the water off. If I pushed the knob all the way in, then the water turned off. But it wouldn’t stay there on its own.

It being Saturday, we didn’t want to call a plumber. Steve did not want to try to fix it himself because sometimes pipes break in the wall. I wasn’t keen on that either so I wired it shut. Steve was working on other things and was happy not to get involved in this. He really does not like plumbing jobs.

The plumbers came today and were impressed with my fix. They also said, after taking the knob and guts out of the spigot, that this was not something they’d seen before. We had a unique plumbing issue! The spigot would have to be replaced. I was not surprised.

As it turned out, the old spigot unscrewed easily. We could have done it ourselves, but you can’t tell by looking. The plumbers had fixed one yesterday where the pipe broke in the wall.

The replacement is actually better. It is mostly copper, and it fits against the wall better. I still need to shoot some insulation foam into the gap, but it’s fixed! And it was less that $175! Which is good because part 2 starts soon. The sprinkler system has developed breaks. More on that tomorrow…

5 thoughts on “On home ownership, part 1…

  1. Home ownership has its moments. Hopefully not too many. We had gophers chew into our sprinkler tubes and that was costly to fix. Hopefully your issues are small in comparison. Love your blog Becky!


  2. Home ownership and all that goes with it keeps the average American busy as well as electricians, plumbers, and other handymen. If the garage door opener doesn’t break then the hot water heater will. And, those pesky repairs seem to come in threes. Never fails.


  3. Since I do not have a sprinkler system – that is one repair I will not have. THANK YOU GOD. — The plumbing issues always break on a weekend or holiday. WHY? — My hubby is now physically unable to help with that sort of thing. Love reading your life. Thank You to your DIL. Loved the NYC stories


  4. I’m very impressed with your fix, too–looks like something my husband, the Mechanical Engineer, would come up with! I always just ask him what to do–he usually fixes it for me, but sometimes it takes a couple of times to get a permanent fix! We do call in the professionals when needed. Had to have an exterminator for wasps & yellow jackets last week after he was unable to get rid of them after 2 tries & we had both been stung & I had a reaction that required medical attention. Hate to kill them, but we want to be able to enjoy our deck without getting stung!


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