Flowers I saw in Scotland…

It’s mid-June and there are a lot of flowers out in nature and in town. I don’t know the names of most of these flowers, but many feel familiar. One man told me that this has been a very good year for buttercups and I think that’s true for many of the wild flowers. I took many of these photos on Islay.

I first saw these on Islay but they showed up all over Scotland and up into Orkney—although there seemed to be fewer flowers on Orkney, where the landscape is more exposed to wind.

The buttercups give the fields a bright yellow tint…

Maybe this is Heather? Whatever it is, it’s all over the place.

Plants take a foothold anywhere they can.

On one walk in a nature preserve, there was this sign… None of us read “ditch” at first 🤣.

From here on out, ditches at the sides of the road were bitches. And they may forever stay that way in my head… Back to flowers!

Plants growing in water that seemed bog-like.

And what the heck is this? (Helpful readers told me it’s Gunnera.)

It was taller than me, with thorns! It was growing near the water so can tolerate the salt that is sure to spray up. This plant felt prehistoric… and there was more than one of them.

Purple and yellow were everywhere, so other colors called attention to themselves.

Lots of roses, both wild and domestic…

And garden flowers were very happy!

Everywhere there are stacked stone fences. I love them!!!!

You have to love the colorful spring flowers in Scotland :-).

9 thoughts on “Flowers I saw in Scotland…

  1. And what the heck is this?

    It’s Gunnera. They can get HUGE when by water. Scotland is usually wet. You have some wild geraniums up the top also.


  2. Really beautiful, Becky! I am so happy for you that you had this time with your family exploring such a lovely location–



  3. Beautiful! You need to download the app, Seek. Open the app and hold the camera to the flower and it will identify it for you. It also does bugs, etc.


  4. Gunnera, yes and the one marked clover is thrift or sea thrift.

    Beautiful pictures, and we’re in Orkney now for the week. Thank you for sharing your visit to my country.



  5. I like the ditch/bitch sign! You have one flower labeled as a thistle, that is not a thistle–I call it perrenial bachelor’s buttons!


  6. Thank you for sharing your wonderful vacation with us! I especially loved the animals and all those different beautiful flowers. Welcome back to Texas and 100 degrees – ugh.


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