Puffins! And more…

We headed north to the Brough (brock) of Birsay to see Norse ruins and Puffins. No suspense… we found both! The Brough is a small island that is accessible at low tide when you can walk across a concrete path. We got there a little too early so took time to walk through the Earl’s Palace, Birsay.

Then back to the walkway to the island…

And the norse ruins…

Then we followed the paths around to the cliff side of the island.

Birds that are not puffins but lovely nonetheless.

There are puffins but here but my iphone was not up to the task.

Lorna is not happy being near steep drop offs, but she found places that she could handle.

And then, at the last cliff outcropping, we found people who had spotted one puffin posing very patiently.

We had to lay down to see it!!!

Seeing puffins was big and we felt like the day was perfect but we kept going on to Skara Brae. Click the link for details. It was amazing to be in a place that people thrived in 5000 years ago.

Last stop was the nearby beach…

Back to the Kirkwall Hotel for a very nice dinner where I enjoyed a flight of gin to go with a lovely roast beef dinner.

Lastly, cruise ships come here. Between you and me, I don’t think it fits in, but who am I to say 🤷‍♀️.

5 thoughts on “Puffins! And more…

  1. Wow…5000 yrs of history and puffins too! Looks like it was COLD but you girls were dressed for it…Obviously you did your homework! 😀


  2. I, too, loved Skara Brae. It was amazing. Quite windy when there, but otherwise a beautiful day. The history was incredible!! Enjoy!


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