Exploring south Orkney…

I could spread this out over many posts, but we did all this today so here we go! We started at Olav’s Wood, a small private forest. We met David, the current caretaker who told us that Olsv died two years ago, but he planted the trees. There are some native trees, but many from other places including America.

I spotted this moth cocoon straight off. Its markings tell predators that it is poisonous.

This is what the Wood looks like from a distance. It’s small but inside the trees, you could get lost.

On the way to hunting a toilet, we stopped at this church that had a lovely cemetery. We have passed many like this and I always think that this would be a nice place to be planted. Except I prefer to be scattered 🤷‍♀️.

Next, Polly Kettle Teahouse where we had lunch and dessert!!!

Next we went take an exciting walk.

Google it 😊

Lorna was both excited and nervous because there is a little bit of scariness if you go out to the more exposed part. But we met four lovely people my age or older who told her she could do it and she did! It starts easy. There’s this at the beginning, a gorge out of nowhere…

Keep walking, near water but not crazy high…

And then you get to a path out to a column of rock that can only be reached by going down near the water then back up a narrow walk with steep drops at the edge. There are stairs and a chain railing to hold onto. Yes, do hold the chain!

We made it! There is a Norse ruin at the top.

And a small flat area to walk around the top of the rock. The ground is soft here too, and spongy.

We walked back down the scary trail to the two rocky beaches. Had to look closer.

Back to the car for a quick stop at the Deerness Distillery. Lorna liked all of these. I was driving 🙄.

Next stop at a beach that had huge sand dunes, and a toilet. Lorna put her toes in the sand and feet in the ocean. I kept my feet snug in my shoes 😊.

We had time, so headed back to Stromness to the Quernstone knitwear shop where Lorna found a sweater vest. It’s perfect and the sweater hunt can be checked off the list.

And that was our day! Tomorrow is our last full day on Orkney. We are both sad to see the vacation winding down. Sigh.

17 thoughts on “Exploring south Orkney…

  1. On the grave is Dock Leaves. Not rhubarb. It is a weed but used as an antidote to nettle stings by rubbing a leaf over the area. You are having great luck with the weather!


  2. inquiring minds want to know…with all that exploring, did you have any energy left to sew? Or even feel like it? 😀 Thank you again for taking your followers along on your amazing trip.


    • I have sewn some and knitted two small scarves. Knitting was easier in the car and on planes. When there has been time and light, I appliqued. I’m hoping to do a little more wool applique on the long flight home.


  3. I have really enjoyed the pictures from your Scotland journey. I have Scottish great-grandparents and it gave me a glimpse into their lives.


  4. I wonder how I would do driving on the “other” side of the road….The fabric is beautiful…thanks for the chance to win….


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