Show and tell…

Susan sent me photos of her lovely Backyard Birds quilt. Isn’t it lovely! Way to go, Susan.

She said:

I have sewn for years but as I work full time I have never had the opportunity to develop my patchwork skills beyond a simple sampler quilt. I am undergoing medical treatment since July and I am using my time off work and getting treatment to patchwork, learning new techniques and work on creating some wonderful quilts.


I quilted the blocks separately. I attended a quilt group at Coles Sewing Centre,  Nottingham England, and my lovely teacher Gilli Theokritoff helped me through the tricky bits!! I had never done free motion quilting before and Gilli pointed me in the direction of youtube and watching Leah Day. I started off just drawing, then practising on practice blocks and can say after a lot of effort I now have a work of art on my wall. When I read Linda’s intro in the booklet and the comment re getting through  cold winter and difficult times I really wanted to agree I cant wait for the spring when all the treatment is over and the song birds return.


I like this choice of background fabric. I don’t know that I would have chosen it, but it’s very pretty. Susan also included a photo of her detailed documentation patch. I’m impressed!


Susan added:

I am getting on well with my treatment looking forward to the spring when I get back into work, with some wonderful skills learnt, new friends made and several quilts sewn.

And this…

Breast cancer, 1 in 10 women my age get it…Luckily I had a routine screening in May and something was picked up,
My advice to you all is if you have any concerns, LUMPS bumps whatever as soon as you can go to your doctor. If you get the opportunity to have screening Take it. I am so lucky routine screening found it, and it’s treatable. Don’t be frightened to say I am worried about this. Do something about it. With love, Susan

I agree with Susan on this point. I’m a big believer in treating your body like a used car—one that you want to drive forever. If something isn’t working, get it looked at.

4 thoughts on “Show and tell…

  1. Susan, The quilt is darling, I love the label too! Sending prayers to you and all the others dealing with health problems. Can’t wait till spring either!


  2. Susan, what a lovely quilt! Tremendous job. I am a 16 year breast cancer survivor and have the same story to tell. If something doesn’t feel right, go have it looked at. Prayers for you!


  3. Susan, I love your little bird quilt. I especially like the small floral print that you used for background. I enjoy seeing what other quilters select for their quilts especially when it might be somewhat different from what I would use. I especially think Susan’s floral background is beautiful & inspiring to me. Becky, thank you for sharing Susan’s quilt. I do so look forward to reading your posts! You offer such a variety of topics on your blog!!


  4. Beautiful version of this quilt–truely! What a clever background. Your label is wonderfully fun–good creative approach to the quilt including the label. Best wishes for a great healthy future!


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