Watch now for FREE!

Did that get your attention :-)?

The first episode of the Sizzle BOM on The Quilt Show is up and free for you to watch for 2 days, through December 31, 2018.

If you are not a member of TQS, this episode will give you an idea of why you might want to consider joining.

Watch the trailer for the show, below, or click here to go the page where you can watch the full show.

Sizzle is the quilt that I spent months designing and making (in 2 colorways!) last year. It is pieced on foundation papers and is a lot easier to make than you might think, as long as you follow the directions!

I made videos of each pertinent step as I made the quilts. It is my sincere hope that the pattern, instructions, and the videos answer any questions you might have during construction.

I look forward to hearing from you as you make your Sizzle quilts!

Merry Christmas to me!

A little while back I posted pictures on instagram and Facebook from the Sherman Altrusa home tour. One home on the tour had a Sputnik chandelier that I loved.

Two days ago I found the same one on Houzz and Steve said ‘Merry Christmas’! Not one to let grass grow under my feet, I ordered it immediately. It came today! Amazing!

It was well-packed.

Chris helped Steve hang it. First they took down the older fixture. Lorna wants it, so I suspect the guys will touch be touching it again after Christmas.

Then up went the new one!

And, boom! We have a wonderful, mid century modern style light!!!

Steve loves it too, which is very nice. We are both grinning at it :-).

Show and tell…

Mary Grogan made a hoodie for her 3-year-old grandchild who loves unicorns. This may be the cutest thing I have ever seen!


Mary wrote:

I adapted your Magical Unicorn pattern to fit on the back of the hoodie. She and her parents totally love it. I thought you might like to see it. Lots of my friends want me to make a unicorn for them on a shirt!

Thanks for your wonderful patterns and ideas!

Mary, you just made everyone smile—including me! You did a great job and I thank you so much for sharing the pictures with us all :-).


Polyester update…

I wrote a post about polyester thread on August 17 in which I said that the research I could find indicated that polyester thread probably doesn’t degrade any faster than cotton thread. There’s more to the story…


I still can’t find any research specific to thread longevity. My husband tells me that if absolutely no references to research show up in a google search, there probably are none to be found. Thread makers do post information about their own collections of thread but that’s not the same as academic research.

The one study I did find (click here to read it) compared the biodegradability of cotton vs. polyester fabric in a compost pile. Cotton fabric degraded quicker and more thoroughly than polyester fabric which indicates that polyester thread should last longer, right?

My husband, Steve, is a field biologist who teaches invertebrate biology. When I brought this study up at dinner recently he said that decomposers (the bugs and microbes that live in compost) would recognize cotton as food and happily eat it. They don’t necessarily recognize polyester, a petroleum product, as food. Of course cotton degrades faster in compost (he didn’t add ‘duh’, but I’m pretty sure he wanted to).


On August 28 the New York Times published an article entitled These Cultural Treasures Are Made of Plastic. Now They’re Falling Apart.” Click here to find the story. It’s definitely worth reading.

I read a similar story years ago in the Dallas Morning News but I didn’t save it and have not been able to find it. I was beginning to doubt my memory. It turns out that what I remember from that article is still true… Tupperware, spacesuits, and plastic artifacts of all kinds are degrading.


Now what?

There are all sorts of plastics and they degrade differently. Again, I can find no specific information on polyester or synthetic threads.

I don’t believe that polyester or synthetic threads are inherently bad, or that we shouldn’t use them. There are many times when a polyester thread is the best choice. That said, every time we choose thread for a project, we weigh a variety of factors… this is just one more thing to keep in mind.



Crochet Art, made just for me!

Sarah Meyers is an artist (and young mother of 3) who makes all sorts of things, including crocheted mandalas. She made one for Lorna and I loved it so much that I commissioned one for myself! FYI: she is willing to more commissions—if you are interested you can email me ( and I will give her your email address.


I chose acrylic yarn because I expect to wash and dry it in the dryer. I chose a color palette and OK’d the yarn choices and it’s a kick to see how well it turned out! It’s colorful in a way that is so different from the quilts I make. It is going to be wonderful to cuddle with when the weather turns cooler.


It’s really tactile, and 3-dimensional…



Again, if you are interested in commissioning a crochet mandala, email me ( and I will give Sarah your email address.

It’s hot…

Times being what they are, some of you believe in climate change and others do not. I’m married to a scientist and I like data, especially when it is presented in a way that is both visually interesting and understandable.

I read this article in the Washington Post on Tuesday that shows various ways that data visualizers are representing temperature increases. We all recognize hot and cold days as we live in them, but these visualizations put daily temperatures in a longer context.

Dr. Ed Hawkins is a climate scientist in the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) at the University of Reading. His visualizations resonated with me. This one could be printed on fabric, if only what it represents wasn’t so concerning.


by Ed Hawkins

The climate spiral, below, is in the WaPo article, and you can also find it here. This is a photo of the final spiral, but if you click this link you can watch the spiral grow from cooler, bluer rings to where we are now.

Screen Shot 2018-08-29 at 9.16.48 AM

by Ed Hawkins

I’m sharing this because I find it interesting. Some of you might be poised to tell me why you think climate change is made up. You can, but please keep it pleasant.

We need to be able to have conversations, that include listening, about topics on which we might not agree. Most of our collective conversations happen on flat, glass screens. If we were looking at each other, face-to-face, we would likely respond differently than we do on a keyboard. Pretend we are in the same room :-).

Link to the article in the Washington Post for those of you whose links above don’t work: