Wednesday Giveaway – WINNER’S CHOICE! – Two 8mm Sequin Blends

Sequins are the most perfect festive embellishment. They add a sparkly, happy attitude that can’t come any other way. Janet H, this week’s winner, will get to pick her two favorite color blends for her prize!

I’ll be back with another Giveaway next Wednesday. Until then you can shop for all sorts of sewing notions, books, and other fun stuff at!

Friends, Fun, and Learning!

We have new toys on the site! And when I say “we”, what I really mean is that Lorna and Judy have ordered toys for the site. They love toys from eeBoo —they’re pretty and sturdy and smart— and they know some of you do as well.

Bear got to open the Solar System Puzzle yesterday.

His friends came over to play with him. You can feel the puzzle coming together,

They are very cute, and the puzzle is entertaining.

They were super excited to read the facts on the puzzle that explain the solar system in clear language. Isn’t if great when fun and learning come together!

Click here to find all of the puzzle, games, and stocking stuffers that we currently have in stock.

Jim, the pillow—Part 1…

I’m making a pillow featuring my cat Jim and I thought it would be fun to share the idea and techniques. In case some of you don’t catch my Time Outs in other places (YouTube, Facebook, and now IGTV), here is Part 1 where I show you how you can get a drawing of your own special pet.

Wednesday Giveaway!

Lori T is the Winner of this week’s giveaway. She will receive 2 packages of Painters Flower Thread in the Matisse (Christmas Red) color. Flower thread is 100% cotton that is NOT mercerized, which gives it a matte finish to use with wool or for embroidery where you want a non-reflective thread. (Click here for more information and to see other colors we have in stock.)

I’ll be back with another Giveaway next Wednesday. Until then you can shop for all sorts of sewing notions, books, and other fun stuff at!