Where to put your thread?

I have kept my spools of thread in Sterlite drawer units for years, but no more. I finally realized that the Yazzii Ultimate Thread Organizer is for more than just carrying your thread from place to place. They are the perfect way to store your thread!

You can order one from me here online. If I am out of the color you want, please do email Lorna because we will order more and she will let you know when they come in.

Heirloom thimbles…

After last week’s Time Out, Noela Burks wrote in to tell me about her thimble! She wrote:

I, like many people, have tried many thimbles and many things that were not actually thimbles but worked as thimbles😂. Years ago I was blessed with a family thimble that I believe was my great grandmothers. It is my prized possession and works like a charm. It is very small(I have thin fingers) and fits like it was made for my hands. I was inspired to share after the video! Here is a picture-

I love Noela’s story and I really love her thimble :-). It is in amazingly good shape. I suspect my grandmother had a thimble and I have no idea where it ended up. I will be sure that my own thimbles are handed down… later. When I don’t use them so much. Which will be when I’m 111.

FYI: My birthday is January 11, 1/11. It is my hope and aspiration to be alert and active enough to celebrate my 111th birthday on that day! It’s good to have a plan 🙂

Add charm to your scissors…

Your scissors really will be more ‘charming’ when they are wearing one of these cute charms! And (bonus!) I show you how to attach the Scissor Charms so that you pick up serrated scissors for smoother cutting every time.

Click to find Scissor Charms, Scissors, or shop Piece O’ Cake for books and notions.

What is a traditionally crafted scissor snip?

I do love a good tool and even though have a variety of scissors that clip threads and snip fabric, I can’t resist these Cohana snips. They are sturdy, forged from one piece of steel, with a handle wrapped in silk cord. Each one comes with its own lovely leather sheath.

My husband has more than a dozen different kinds of hammers and each does a different job. It’s the same with our scissors… we want to have the right tool for the job at hand. And if that tool makes us smile when we hold it, so much the better :-).

Looking ahead…

Christmas came—and went. The new year is coming but we have long way to go before things get back anything like the ‘old’ normal. Until then, I will do my part to not make the pandemic worse which means staying home, wearing a mask if/when I go out, and visiting with people outside. But it’s not all bad because, like you, I will my time with a wide range of quilt-related activities.

One of the things I spend time on is planning the weekly Time Out sessions. In last week’s Time Out, I showed the notions that I take with me when I sew on the go. Sandboards are always at the top of the list. Surely you have one?

I have three of the larger size and, amazingly enough, I use them all. One stays by the sofa, one in the studio, and one is reserved for gluing. I don’t use the travel sandboard at home much, but it is nice on the road when space is an issue.

If you decide to make your own sandboard, use a very fine grit sandpaper and glue it to a rigid board. Masonite is nice but I don’t recommend using a clip board because the ‘clip’ part can get in your way.

My most-used organizer for on-the-go sewing…

The Yazzii Mini-Petite Organizer is just the right size for me. It doesn’t take up too much space in my bag but it is big enough to hold almost everything I need when I sew away from home.

It was student in one of my classes who suggested taking out the inside pouches. Boy, she had an amazingly great idea! Don’t be shy… just do it!

Click here to find Yazzii’s at pieceocake.com.