Trapper, not keeper…

I have 2 cats and love them 95% of the time. Steve tolerates the same 2 cats. Needless to say we are not in the market for any more cats. There has been a small black cat hanging around for a while and we found out a couple of weeks ago that she had had 4 kittens, under our neighbor’s shed. This neighbor is rarely home as really does not like animals.


Another neighbor and I tried to coax out the mama and kittens with food, water, and a lot of ‘here kitty kitty’s’. We got close, but not close enough to catch any of them. Luckily I am married to a field biologist with access to live mammal traps.

The first evening we caught 3 kittens—1 per trap. Overnight I caught another kitten—and a possum. The possum was not part of the plan. Steve had to go to work so I was in charge of releasing the possum and setting up the trap again, in hopes of catching the mama cat.

I should have taken a picture of ‘my’ possum, but I was too focused on letting it go without incident. My possum was not this cute—this one looks friendly!


My possum looked a little more like this, less friendly. He was a little more scarred on his face as if he was a fighter. I wore gloves.


Luckily, possums are nocturnal and he was not moving all that fast. I had to sort of shake him out of the cage. We were both relieved when that was over.

The kittens hung out for the day in the traps/cages where I gave them frequent attention. I set up the larger trap and, in a few hours, caught the mama cat (again, no picture—what was I thinking?).


This morning we took them to the animal shelter. They are really cute and I hope they get adopted, but no matter what, the world doesn’t exactly need more feral house cats. I know that sounds harsh, but being homeless is not good for the cats, or for the birds and other animals that they snack on.


Surely these guys will find a home. If you are local, maybe you need a kitten! Click here for the Sherman Animal Shelter info.

Piece O’ NYC: Our City Cats

This post is dedicated to the animals I love the most: cats!

When Jeff and I first moved in together, back when we were wee ones in Baltimore, I immediately told him we were getting a cat. Wisely, he didn’t fight me on this. I’m a bit of a cat lady. Most of my friends — ok, ALL of my friends — know that if they spot something cat related to show it to me or get it for me. I’m just one of those crazies.

So, throughout our marriage, Jeff and I have had cats. Sugar, our first cat, sadly passed while she was still a kitten. She was very sweet and loved us both.

Then came Carlton. His full name is Carlton Butterworth Livingston Goldsmith, I. (At the pound his name was “Cookie”…short for Cookie Monster we think…). He was hovering on 17 pounds when we got him, but is now a nice and husky 13 pounds. He’s a gentleman and a scholar, and as his time with us progressed, it became clear that he and Jeff would become the closest of buddies. So that made me feel ‘cat-less.’
Carlton with his buddy, Jeffrey. Probably talking about girls and football...

Carlton with his buddy, Jeffrey. Probably talking about girls and football…

FullSizeRender copy 2Since I’ve never felt right without cat love, I had to get my own. Back to the pound we went, and home we came with Millie, (Millicent Butterworth Goldsmith — if you think these names are funny, wait until you hear what we have in store for our kids one day ;p). Millie is the perfect cat. She’s super sweet and loving, you can leave tons of food out for her and she doesn’t over consume (Carl is a glutton), and she plays with all of her cat toys equally (Carl only likes his princess pillows or squeaky mice). She also plays fetch and does this!

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She’s pretty protective of this quilt… I wouldn’t try to use it while she’s ‘guarding’ it.

FullSizeRenderLiving in tight quarters with two cats does have several challenges, though. There are hair ball nuggets everywhere and no matter what you do, there’s never enough floor space for all of Millie’s toys or for Carl to lay out on. We have random corners where Carl has to have his cat bed — he’s big enough that instead of cat beds, we get him small dog beds. Plus, our litterbox is an eye sore. Jeff and I can totally see why many people here have dogs. (Jeff has never had a dog or puppy, but one day I totally plan on getting him one. One day when we have that house we’ve always dreamed of…).

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NYC is interesting for cats. Millie loves our high rise view and I know Carlton’s happy just as long as you feed him on time. Some people in this city walk their cats in strollers, and we’ve seen cats on leashes in the park. I really think Carlton could be down with this, but Millie is too much like a dog. She’d want to explore.
When Jeff and I talk about our marriage, we immediately think of the cats we’ve had during that time in our lives. For example, it was Sugar who comforted me as I scrolled through bridal magazines looking for DIY wedding ideas, but it was Carlton who moved with us to a new apartment in Baltimore as a married couple. Aren’t pets just the greatest?!

Because they’re cute…

Many thanks to NatureVideo for posting so many great videos! My favorite in this list of top 10 cute animals for 2014 is the Dumbo octopus.

You might wonder why I am posting this. It’s because I’m trying to reduce some of the stress in my life. I, and most everyone I know, has too much to do, not nearly enough time to do it in, and is not really ready for Christmas (or the new year for that matter). 5 minutes of cute animals did, in fact, make me smile and slow down just a bit. I hope the video works the same way for you :-).

Click here to see the video on youtube if it doesn’t open in this post.

And don’t forget about the fabric sale