Año Nuevo…

Steve has seen elephant seals before, but I had not. We drove to Año Nuevo State Park today to visit these massive beasties! It was warm-ish and sunny, a lovely day for a walk.

This is the end of the mating season and most of the adults have already left town, but the weaners (elephant seals under 1 year old) are laying around on the beach.


Stave had reserved a spot on a docent-led tour. We were with a group of 4th graders and some other adults.I really liked the blue shirts that the kids were wearing, especially when I could see them near the blue sky…


There are dunes—and they move! Nicole, our leader, told us that this sign got buried in about two months’ time…



Another couple on the tour took our picture, and we took theirs. You can tell that neither Steve nor I were fancied up for our 36th wedding anniversary. Luckily this is how we like to celebrate :-).


The visitors center, a white building, bathed in blue reflected color, was lovely on the walk back.


The best picture of me today, might be this one. It’s sort of a selfie and I took it with a friend in mind. If you are from Texas, it might remind you of Big Tex :-).


We did stop and take pictures of each other in the yellow flowers. I photoshopped us into the same shot. Fun!
