This and that…

First, let me say thank you to all of you who sent kind thoughts my way over the loss of Emma (our cat, in case you missed my last post). We miss her, but life does go on.

I am leaving today to visit the Parker County Quilt Guild in Weatherford, TX. It’s close enough to drive which is nice. Before leaving I thought I ‘d leave you with this. I ran across it on facebook the other day and it made me laugh out loud. It’s not a new video so you may have seen it before. Either way, it is definitely grin-inducing…

From the funnies…

I love it when the comics hit close to home. Janet, who commented on my last post, is not the only one with a paper issue. I often just close my eyes and pray I won’t need what goes in the trash. Or the shredder.


And I do love to see sewing machines on the funny pages :-)…


Which reminded me of the most impressive Halloween costume I ever made. It was for Jef who went as a Ninja Turtle in the late 1980’s. He sure was cute!
